Jul 28, 2024
Blessed Are Those Who Live in Your House
Series: Standalone
In a message based on Psalms 84 and 96, Rick talks about the hunger that God has placed in every person's heart, a hunger that can only be filled by Him. That's why we sing, like the worship song says it, "Better is one day in Your courts, Better is one day in Your house... Than thousands elsewhere."
  • Jul 28, 2024Blessed Are Those Who Live in Your House
    Jul 28, 2024
    Blessed Are Those Who Live in Your House
    Series: Standalone
    In a message based on Psalms 84 and 96, Rick talks about the hunger that God has placed in every person's heart, a hunger that can only be filled by Him. That's why we sing, like the worship song says it, "Better is one day in Your courts, Better is one day in Your house... Than thousands elsewhere."
  • Jul 9, 2023No Man is an Island
    Jul 9, 2023
    No Man is an Island
    Our former elder, Rick, discusses our critical need to live in relationship with God and other people. While it's sometimes tempting to withdraw and build up walls to keep others at a distance, we need to love--and be loved by--other people.
  • Jul 24, 2022The Mixing Bowl
    Jul 24, 2022
    The Mixing Bowl
    Series: Standalone
    In one of our summer "stand-alone" messages, Rick encourages each one of us to use our diverse gifts, talents, and abilities to help the church become all that God intends it to be.
  • Jun 26, 2022I’ll Lead, but You Go First
    Jun 26, 2022
    I’ll Lead, but You Go First
    To conclude our study through the book of 1 Peter, Rick discusses what it looks like to cast all of our anxiety onto God. He also reminds us that God is our strength, that He helps us when we’re in trouble, and that He tells us, “Be still, and know that I am God."
  • Jul 4, 2021Declaration of Independence
    Jul 4, 2021
    Declaration of Independence
    Series: Standalone
    To commemorate the Independence Day holiday, former elder Rick Pickel shares about the spiritual independence we experience when we live a life that's different from the world and its viewpoints that conflict with God's truth.
  • Aug 23, 2020Treat People Like You Want to Be Treated
    Aug 23, 2020
    Treat People Like You Want to Be Treated
    As part of our Core 52 Recap series, Rick reminds us how it's easy to treat people like we want to be treated when we're at the church building or spending time with other Christians, but how our challenge is ultimately to understand that every person in the world is our neighbor, and that we are expected to treat each and every person just like we would want to be treated by them.
  • Jul 5, 2020Where Can We Really Be Free?
    Jul 5, 2020
    Where Can We Really Be Free?
    Series: Standalone
    As we celebrate the Independence Day holiday weekend, Rick asks, "If God takes such great care of the lesser things of the world, how much more will He care for us?" He also considers the question, "How does God free us from the cares of this world when we focus on Him and His kingdom?"
  • Aug 18, 2019Don’t Destroy Another Person with Your Words
    Aug 18, 2019
    Don’t Destroy Another Person with Your Words
    In this week's message from our series, "The Freedom of Following the Rules," Rick takes us through the ninth commandment, "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor." He encourages us to obey God and love people by not destroying them with our words.
  • Jul 22, 2018A Diverse Team with a Common Purpose
    Jul 22, 2018
    A Diverse Team with a Common Purpose
    Series: Greater Than
    To conclude our "Greater Than" series through the book of Colossians, Rick reminds us that we are a diverse team with a wide range of gifts, personalities, strengths, and weaknesses, and yet we have a common purpose in sharing Christ with the world and helping one another to grow in our faith.
  • Jun 4, 2017Until We Meet Again
    Jun 4, 2017
    Until We Meet Again
    Series: Standalone
    In his farewell message and thank-you to Sunrise, our soon-to-be-retired friend and longtime elder, Rick Pickel, encourages us to follow our leaders, promote unity, and show love to one another. He also reminds us that whatever happens in this life, we will all meet again, sooner or later, when we spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus and each other.