Jun 23, 2024
By: Bud Gothmann
Series: Standalone
In this standalone message, one of our elders, Bud, tackles some of the myths we tend to believe, and more importantly, he examines what is true and false in light of the Bible, God's Word.
- Jun 23, 2024Mythbusters
Jun 23, 2024MythbustersBy: Bud GothmannSeries: StandaloneIn this standalone message, one of our elders, Bud, tackles some of the myths we tend to believe, and more importantly, he examines what is true and false in light of the Bible, God's Word.
- Apr 21, 2024Love Believes in Unlimited Possibilities
Apr 21, 2024Love Believes in Unlimited PossibilitiesBy: Bud GothmannSeries: Love BetterWhat's your mountain, and what's your root canal? If you don't know, listen to Bud's message from our Love Better series. Sometimes, God leads us to do something we really don't want to do, but if we'll trust Him enough to obey Him, there's an incredible benefit on the other side of that challenge.
- Jan 28, 2024Love Simmers Down (It Doesn’t Boil Over)
Jan 28, 2024Love Simmers Down (It Doesn’t Boil Over)By: Bud GothmannSeries: Love BetterThe Greek word for envy means, “imitating the sound of boiling water,” so, envy means “boiling over” with jealousy. As Bud explains, we need to "simmer down" and remember that envy actually demonstrates a lack of genuine love.
- Sep 24, 2023Completely Different (in the Best Way)
Sep 24, 2023Completely Different (in the Best Way)By: Bud GothmannSeries: What Do You Think About God?Continuing in our new message series, Bud describes the holiness of God and what it means for each one of us to be holy in our real, day-to-day lives. God is totally unique from everyone and everything that exists, and that's very good news!
- Jun 25, 2023Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way
Jun 25, 2023Where There’s a Will, There’s a WayBy: Bud GothmannSeries: I Just Want to Be Like YouContinuing in our series, I Just Want to Be Like You, Bud explains how our will (or heart) becomes our character, which then becomes our words and our actions. We are growing when we want, more and more, what God wants.
- Jan 9, 2022You Hurt is Someone Else’s Healing
Jan 9, 2022You Hurt is Someone Else’s HealingBy: Bud GothmannSeries: Win the DayContinuing in our series, Win the Day, Bud talks about the ways in which our courage to do the thing we fear can eventually lead to a breakthrough for someone else. In addition, our pain can contribute to someone else's healing.
- Oct 17, 2021I Can Do Nothing and Everything
Oct 17, 2021I Can Do Nothing and EverythingBy: Bud GothmannSeries: What if God Was One of Us?For this week's message from our Gospel of John series, Bud explains why it's so important to submit to God's authority, and how our surrender enables God to produce the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.
- Aug 15, 2021Stay in Your Lane
Aug 15, 2021Stay in Your LaneBy: Bud GothmannSeries: StandaloneThe Bible is full of stories with people who stayed (or did not stay) in their lanes when it came to following God's will. In today's message, one of our elders, Bud, shares how we can stay in our lanes as followers of Jesus. He also reminds us that sometimes, instead of staying in our lanes, we actually need to get into our lanes.
- Jun 27, 2021Loving God through Simple Obedience
Jun 27, 2021Loving God through Simple ObedienceBy: Bud GothmannSeries: What the World Needs Now is LoveFor this week's message from our 1 John series, Bud discusses the fact that our love for people is demonstrated by our love for God and our obedience to His commands. Sometimes we're even convicted by Scripture to do something we really don't want to do, but God always blesses us when we decide to follow Him no matter what.
- Feb 7, 2021Words Matter: The Inside is the Outside
Feb 7, 2021Words Matter: The Inside is the OutsideBy: Bud GothmannSeries: Real Faith in the Real WorldIn this week's message from our series through James, Real Faith in the Real World, Bud reminds us how important our words are and why we must control our tongues and use them only to encourage and build up others. Since people are made in the image of God, we should treat them (and speak to them) in ways that honor the One who created us.