Oct 25, 2020
Listen to God and Follow the Truth
Continuing in our series through 1&2 Thessalonians, Troy reminds us of the encouragement Paul gave to his readers (including those of us who follow Jesus today), specifically that we should follow the truth and not believe any false teachings that might suggest Jesus has already returned, which would take away the incredible hope we have for eternity. Thankfully, we still have that hope for our lives right now and forever.
  • Oct 25, 2020Listen to God and Follow the Truth
    Oct 25, 2020
    Listen to God and Follow the Truth
    Continuing in our series through 1&2 Thessalonians, Troy reminds us of the encouragement Paul gave to his readers (including those of us who follow Jesus today), specifically that we should follow the truth and not believe any false teachings that might suggest Jesus has already returned, which would take away the incredible hope we have for eternity. Thankfully, we still have that hope for our lives right now and forever.
  • Oct 18, 2020Don’t Give Up and Never Stop Growing
    Oct 18, 2020
    Don’t Give Up and Never Stop Growing
    As we move into Paul's second letter to the Thessalonians, Troy explains how these believers grew in their faith and love for each other during circumstances that should have caused them to do quite the opposite. He also reminds us, as followers of Jesus today, that a big part of having faith is trusting that the goodness and faithfulness of God will answer every aspect of injustice in this age. God’s will is already being worked out in the life of the church, even when outwardly it appears defeated.
  • Oct 11, 2020Wide Awake in a World That’s Fast Asleep
    Oct 11, 2020
    Wide Awake in a World That’s Fast Asleep
    As we move into chapter 5 of 1 Thessalonians, Troy shares Paul's instructions that encourage us to resist the temptation to live in a way that's immoral and self-indulgent, and instead to be awake and alert in the sense of putting our Christian identity and the truth of God into practice. When we're awake in a sleeping world, we make God and other people more important than ourselves, and we live in a way that demonstrates our faith, love, and hope.
  • Sep 27, 2020Walking the Walk (and the Difference it Makes)
    Sep 27, 2020
    Walking the Walk (and the Difference it Makes)
    In the latest message from our series, It Will Get Better, Troy shares some encouragement from the apostle Paul that can basically be summarized in this way: "You’re doing great, now keep doing even better!" Troy also reminds us that a critical part of our faith is trusting that God is good, that His ways are better than ours, and that life works much better when we follow Him rather than ourselves.
  • Sep 13, 2020Living to Please an Audience of One
    Sep 13, 2020
    Living to Please an Audience of One
    Continuing in our series through Paul's letters to the Thessalonians, Troy reminds us that when it comes to serving God and following Him no matter what others think, if God is pleased with us, then all is well. Or to phrase it another way, if the master is pleased with what we’ve done, then everything else is okay.
  • Sep 6, 2020The Power of Genuine Life Change
    Sep 6, 2020
    The Power of Genuine Life Change
    Troy kicks off our new message series, It Will Get Better, which begins a journey through Paul's letters to the Thessalonian church. Knowing that the universe will end with God’s eternal triumph helps us find meaning in what seems to be chaos. And that’s the power of genuine life change: hope for now, hope for the future, and hope for all of eternity.
  • Aug 30, 2020Do God’s Work With Him
    Aug 30, 2020
    Do God’s Work With Him
    The "Great Commission" is really our "co-mission," as we partner with God and allow Him to work through us. God's mission should be important to us, not only because it's His mission, but also because we need hope and we want every person in the world to come to have hope.
  • Aug 9, 2020In Search of Happiness
    Aug 9, 2020
    In Search of Happiness
    To refresh us on one of the chapters we read in the Core 52 book, Troy answers the question, "Does God Want You to Be Happy?" While God expects us to obey Him, and His type of happiness may be different than what we think we want, it can also be misleading to say that God desires our obedience more than our happiness. The truth is that obedience to God brings about our happiness.
  • Aug 2, 2020Beware the White Van
    Aug 2, 2020
    Beware the White Van
    Series: Standalone
    In this standalone message, Troy explains why God wants us to get rid of the painful anxiety that comes from depending only on ourselves in the midst of life’s difficulties. Instead of self-dependence, we should have such confidence in God that it frees our minds from anxiety. God has designed life in such a way that peace can be the constant experience of every Christ follower, even in the midst of trials.
  • Jul 27, 2020The Joy of Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes
    Jul 27, 2020
    The Joy of Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes
    To conclude our series, Getting Rid of the Gorilla, Troy challenges us to consider the positive results that God produces through our turmoil of living with a wounded, unforgiving heart. It may sound ironic, but it might not be until we’re able to see the really good stuff that comes out of our struggle to forgive that we begin to find the strength to actually do so.