A Homecoming to Celebrate

Two of my children are high schoolers and therefore had the opportunity this past weekend to participate in the “Homecoming Dance.” For my son, it was his last; for my daughter, her first. They had an incredibly fun time with friends, getting a little crazy (in a good way) and just enjoying being young and in the company of likeminded souls. That’s how “Homecoming” should be: a time of “coming home” to a place of great joy, surrounded by others experiencing the same kind of celebration.


When I consider the return of Jesus and the promise of Heaven, my thoughts lean toward this “Homecoming” concept. Coming home to our Savior, experiencing all that He has prepared for us, and worshiping (singing, even dancing?) forever in the company of likeminded souls. As the praise song puts it: “We will dance on the streets that are golden / The glorious bride and the great Son of Man / From every tongue and tribe and nation / Will join, in the song of the Lamb.” Come, Lord Jesus, so we can “come home.”
Troy Burns